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distribution and logistics中文是什么意思

用"distribution and logistics"造句"distribution and logistics"怎么读"distribution and logistics" in a sentence


  • 分销和后勤


  • Distribution and logistics
  • Q as from seminar on trade in services under cepa : distribution and logistics services
  • Logistics consists of warehousing , transportation , loading and unloading , handling , carrying , packaging , processing , distribution and logistics information
  • At ups , global distribution and logistics involves managing not only the movement of goods , but also the information and funds that move with those goods
    在ups ,全球货物配送和物流管理已不再只是货品的移动,而兼具了讯息资金的同步运作。
  • With state - of - the - art information systems and processes we provide reliable , quality - driven distribution and logistics services for many well known international pharmaceutical companies
  • Ups said the combination of its expanding package delivery operations and supply chain services in china has positioned the company to become the region s premier distribution and logistics provider
  • China zuellig xinxing pharmaceutical co . , ltd . ( zuellig xinxing ) is part of the swiss zuellig pharma group , and is china ' s first foreign invested joint venture in the field of distribution and logistics of pharmaceutical products
  • Abstract : benefiting from introducing and applying the advanced technology , researching , coordinating and creating constantly , haiyan logistics has rapidly developed into a large urban distribution and logistics center with high - starting point , high - level and high - efficiecy
用"distribution and logistics"造句  
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